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코인픽:ver.2021년 비트코인 마진,선물거래소 순위 및 추천 사이트

Margin trading

2021.09.02 07:15

UNICORN 조회 수:253

Hi It's Unicorn

Here we will guide you on how to trade with margin on Binance Exchange!


1. Open a margin account!


- First, enter Binance website!

- Click profile on the upper right corner!

- Click 'Margin' in the menu at the top.




- Click Margin and the “Open Margin Account” button will show as below!


- Click the button to create a margin account!




- After read and understand the terms and conditions, click the “understood” button!




2. Transfer your collateral to your margin wallet!


- The margin wallet has been created as below!

- Here I will tell you how to borrow margin with USDT!

- Click the “Transfer” button which is on the right side of the USDT.




- Here will show the window that you can transfer USDT from spot wallet to the margin wallet.


- Now enter the amount of USDT you want to transfer!



- After entering the amount, click “Confirm" button!




3. Now borrow more USDT by using USDT as collateral!


- You must transfer from the spot to the margin wallet!


- Click the “borrow” button next to the “transfer” button!


- You can see the maximum borrowing amount as below.



- Enter the amount you want to borrow and click “Confirm”!




- As above, I borrowed USDT200 with USDT100 as collateral!


- After borrowing the margin, the margin grade is displayed as follows.


- When the margin level drops to 1.3, it is classified as high risk.


- To avoid forced liquidation, you must pay early or add margin!


- When the margin level drops to 1.1, all assets are forcibly liquidated at market price!


- Remember to check your margin rating and manage your risk well.


- Click Cross Margin or Isolated Margin on the top while you enter the spot 


- Here I have USDT300 in total. (USDT100 as collateral + USDT200 from margin = USDT300!


- You can trade by selecting the order method you want, the price and amount you want.


- If you borrow a margin, it will incur interest rates. Remember to check the interest rates  before trading!




4. How to repay after completing Margin Trading!



- You need to enter the margin wallet to proceed with the repayment!


- If you look at USDT in your margin wallet, there is a “borrow/repay” button!


- Click the button and enter the amount you want to repay!


- Here they will tell you to pay interest!


- Therefore, I will pay the interest and proceed with 100% repayment!




- Above shows the remaining balance transfer to my wallet after deducting interest~


- Margin Wallet -> Check your spot wallet and click confirm! Done!!

