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코인픽:ver.2021년 비트코인 마진,선물거래소 순위 및 추천 사이트

Bybit vs Bitget exchange (1)

2021.10.22 08:44

UNICORN 조회 수:333

Hi It's Unicorn

Through comparative analysis based on my experience in trading futures on the Bybit and Bitget, we will assist you find the futures exchange which is suitable for you. 


1. Trading Fee

A good strategy is important when trading; but, it’s also important to control transaction cost.

Futures transaction costs are divided into transaction fees and slippage.

The fewer transaction fees, your returns will be better.

The fee for each exchange and the fee after discount as following. 


Bybit Futures Trading Fee [20% Discount Code]


Limit order = -0.025%; Market order= (0.075%) => 0.060%



BitGet Futures Trading Fee [50% Discount Code]


Limit order= (0.04%) => 0.02%; Market order = (0.06%) => 0.03%



▶︎ If you usually use Market order, we recommend you trade on BitGet. You can get 0.03% fee rate discount.    

▶︎ If you usually use limit price, we recommend you trade on Bybit. You can get -0.025% fee rate.    

2. Volume

More trading volume, more liquidity.

Large liquidity means you can trade with the ask price that you like. 

You can trade with the ask price that you wish that means less slippage.

Less slippage means that you can minimized your transaction costs.

Large transaction volume = Minimized transaction costs + more profits

Bybit and Bitget are TOP 10 derivative exchanges based on trading volume.

Comparing to BitGet, there are few derivatives on Bybit, but Bybit's trading volume is more. 




Source: coinmarketcap.com


3. Supporting Cryptocurrency


There are three kind of derivatives on Bybit, USDT perpetual, inverse perpetual, and inverse futures.

There are 10 products based on CoinMarketCap, but there are actually more.

Excluding duplicated coin, there are only 15 items, which is rather less.




Source: coinmarketcap.com


Bitget also supports spot.

Comparing to Bybit, it’s easier to deposit and withdraw on Bitget.

ByBit has time limit to withdraw, but BitGet has no limit!


Source: Coinmarketcap


Bitget supports 21 major and DeFi coins.

BitGet also supports futures derivatives developed by BitGet, such as Quanto Swap and USDT Unified Account.



Source: Coinmarketcap 


4. User Experience




Bybit offers very fast execution speed and it has never occurred overload.

Bybit supports different language customer service.

Friendly interface and it’s easy to use.





It is difficult to criticize the TPS of BitGet, but so far it has not occurred lag situation.

Users who are used to trading on Binance or Bybit, they may be not familiar with BitGet interface at beginning. 

BitGet offers “Demo” trading function. It makes users can test their strategies easily.(Bybit also offers similar function that you can test your strategies on Bybit testnet. )



Many traders basically have one Binance account, but it’s better to have other accounts on different exchanges to minimize risk, such as exchange hacking, exchange scam, exchange bankruptcy, etc.


If you only trade futures, we recommend you can trade on Bybit platform. If you want to have other functions like copy trade and Quanto Swap, you can choose BitGet Exchange! Above are the comparing pros and cons between Bybit and Bitget futures exchange. Thank you!